Mobile veterinary unit

Mobile veterinary unit

Tired of wasting time and money making extra trips because you lack the space for all your equipment and material when making farm visits or house calls? We have the product that is sure to make your life much easier.

Specially designed and produced for veterinarians, we custom-build inserts with plenty of drawers and compartments. Made entirely of aluminum, our high-quality compartmentalized veterinary inserts provide easy access to well-organized storage space and are sturdy, lightweight, easy to clean and very safe.

The inserts feature:

  • insulated floors;
  • insulated walls and top;
  • aluminum finish inside and out;
  • exterior painted metallic grey with Imron Elite paint, a high-quality paint designed for trucks;
  • a roof rack for additional equipment.

* Option of adding a refrigerated compartment.

If you change vehicles, the insert can be easily transferred. The inserts come with a one-year warranty on parts and labour and are tailor-made according to your specific requirements. Our products are recognized for their quality, light weight, sturdiness and practicality.

If you change vehicles, the insert can be easily transferred. The inserts come with a one-year warranty on parts and labour and are tailor-made according to your specific requirements. Our products are recognized for their quality, light weight, sturdiness and practicality.

Slide-in Drawer Unit

for Veterinary Panel Vans, SUVs and Minivans

For panel vans, SUVs and minivans, we have developed a slide-in drawer unit just for veterinarians. The compartmentalized unit has six drawers of various sizes. For your safety, the unit is firmly attached to the floor of your vehicle and we also install a SEPARATING WALL to protect the passengers when on the road.

Our products are designed and installed to meet the strictest safety standards.

Manufactured 2013: Complete mobile unit for veterinarian. The latter includes additional storage, is designed according to your needs and can be transferred from one van to another without problem.

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